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Innovative Projects

CAEN is involved in several leading-edge R&D collaborative projects, each of them with these common goals: to continue to expand and develop our expertise in high-level electronic design, and to extend this expertise into complementary and relevant applications for the benefit of the community as a whole.

A particular focus of these R&D collaborative projects has been in the fields of SECURITY (CBRNE Protection, Illicit Trafficking Countermeasures, Radiation Monitoring of Sensitive Locations, etc…) and the ENVIRONMENT (Environmental Radioactivity Monitoring, Recognition of Radioactive Contamination Threats, etc…).

Below is a list of our most recent and relevant innovative projects:


blankEU Projects

Starting Date – Ending Date


1 MODES_SNM – MOdular DEtection System for Special Nuclear Materials January 2012
June 2014
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2 TAWARA_RTM – TAp WAter RAdioactivity Real Time Monitor December 2013
August 2016
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3 FTK – Fast TracKer for hadron collider experiments February 2013
January 2017
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4 C-BORD – Effective Container inspection at BORDer control points June 2015
November 2018 
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5 RADIATE – Research And Development with Ion Beams – Advancing Technology in Europe   January 2019
June 2023 
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6 MICADO – Measurement and Instrumentation for Cleaning and Decommissioning Operations June 2019
November 2022
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7 ENTRANCE – Efficient risk-based inspection of freight crossing borders without disrupting business October 2020
September 2023 
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8 CLEANDEM – Cyber physicaL Equipment for unmAnned Nuclear DEcommissioning Measurements March 2021
February 2024
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9 SilentBorder – Cosmic Ray Tomograph for Identification of Hazardous and Illegal Goods hidden in Trucks and Sea Containers  May 2021
April 2025
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10 HARPERS – HARmonised PracticEs, Regulations and Standards in waste management and decommissioning June 2020
June 2023



blankItalian National / Regional Projects

Starting Date – Ending Date


1 SLIMCHECK – SLIMPORT Programme  May 2010
April 2012
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2 SAMORAD – Sistema Airborne di MOnitoraggio della RADioattività  January 2013
December 2015
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3 NEOLITE – Nuove tEcnologie elettrOniche di aLimentazione In ambientTe ostilE April 2016
September 2017
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4 PRIMIS – PRedIctive MaIntenance in hoStile environment  January 2018
September 2020
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5 CORSAIR – Cloud Oriented Radiation Sensor for Advanced Investigation of Rocks January 2018
September 2020
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6 CLOUDGEM CAEN January 2024
January 2025
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For more information about CAEN Innovative Projects you can contact us.


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