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Our Policy

C.A.E.N. S.p.A. designs and manufactures electronic equipment for research in the field of nuclear physics, capable of offering a complete range of power supply and data acquisition systems, as well as tailor-made solutions for the customer. Its products are currently active in all major Nuclear Physics laboratories worldwide. The General Management has defined its Quality Policy, including the objectives and commitments that the Company has respectively decided to set and maintain in line with the needs and expectations of the Customer. The General Management is aware of the effects that strategic choices can have on the environment and, where possible, ensures that all its activities are carried out in compliance with relevant regulations. This policy is a common and shared objective of both employees and management.

The OBJECTIVES can be summarized as follows:

  • Customer Satisfaction: Providing high-quality products and services, with punctual and precise deliveries, to improve market position and financial results. • Company Performance: Aiming for excellent performance in all areas of the business.
  • Shareholder Expectations: Balancing the expectations of shareholders and stakeholders to primarily ensure the maintenance of the Organization and business continuity. • Quality Management: Maintaining an effective and efficient quality management system according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standards to ensure quality and customer satisfaction.
  • Legislative Compliance: Complying with Italian and international legislation, involving all employees.
  • Environmental Responsibility: Operating in respect of the environment by minimizing the environmental impact of business activities. • Environmental Monitoring: Monitoring and improving environmental performance, particularly in waste management.
  • Organizational Structure: Having a lean, flexible, and dynamic organization that meets market needs.
  • Risk Assessment: Analyzing business opportunities and potential risks for a risk-oriented entrepreneurial balance.

Furthermore, the COMMITMENTS include:

  • Technological Innovation: Investing in research for technological innovations relevant to the core business.
  • Continuous Improvement: Constantly improving supply processes to meet customer expectations.
  • Support for Management Representative: Supporting the Management Representative in their role as Quality Management System Manager as a reference point for the system.
  • Adherence to Standards: Consistently applying chosen ISO standards, Legislative Decrees 231/01, 81/08, Regulation (EU) 2016/679, Legislative Decree 24/2023, Regulation (EU) 2021/821, and any other applicable legal requirements.
  • Waste Management: Minimizing and properly managing waste, promoting their reuse or recovery, or proceeding with proper disposal.
  • Ethics and Compliance: Ensuring that ethical conduct, respect for safety, health, environmental, and legal regulations are fundamental premises of our business.

The General Management ensures that the QUALITY POLICY, as explicitly stated, is understood, implemented, and supported at all levels of the Organization and ensures annual review of the Objectives.


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