PRIMIS – PRedIctive MaIntenance in hoStile environment
The PRIMIS Consortium is composed of 6 partners and consists of three SMEs, one Universities and two branches of the INFN (Florence and Pisa). CAEN SpA is the project leader.
Starting date: January 2018 | Ending date: September 2020 |
PRIMIS aims to create a new cyber-physics environment for advanced electronic products developed by CAEN. This is an ambitious but extremely important objective since the technological innovations that have taken place in recent years have profoundly changed the way of conceiving complex electronics products. While, until recently hardware was at the center of the customer’s attention, now the software and more generally the ecosystem are perceived as indispensable to evaluate the quality of a product. With this in mind, PRIMIS will be a huge step forward in terms of product quality, with advanced management software packages, and customer support with a new interactive cloud platform.
PRIMIS will present two pilot projects developed in collaboration between CAEN and the project’s research centers, the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) and the University of Pisa. These are power supplies and digitizers for nuclear and subnuclear physics experiments at CERN in Geneva and Fermilab in the United States. In addition to ensuring the highest level of performance, these electronic devices must guarantee absolute operating reliability in a hostile environment due to high magnetic fields and level of radiation in the areas where they are operated. These environments are also difficult to reach by maintenance personnel, so these devices are an ideal test bench for new predictive maintenance technologies developed in PRIMIS.
The project is co-funded by Regione Toscana under the POR CReO FESR 2014-2020 programme