USB Driver for NIM N14xx family

Supported NIM High Voltage Power Supplies Boards
- N1419 – 4 Channel 500 V/200 µA
- N1419A – 2 Channel 500 V/200 µA
- N1419B – 2 Channel 500 V/200 µA
- N1471 – 4 Channel 5.5 kV/300 µA
- N1471A – 2 Channel 5.5 kV/300 µA
- N1471B – 1 Channel 5.5 kV/300 µA
- N1471H – 4 Channel 5.5 kV/20 µA
- N1471HA – 2 Channel 5.5 kV/20 µA
- N1471HB – 1 Channel 5.5 kV/20 µA
- N1470 – 4 Channel 8 kV/3 mA (8 W)
- N1470A – 2 Channel 8 kV/3 mA (8 W)
- N1470B – 1 Channel 8 kV/3 mA (8 W)

USB Driver for N14xx Family (FT232BM driver)
N147xx modules are provided with a USB2.0 compliant interface. They can be programmed via PC by connecting the PC USB port with the board USB B-type port; the featured controller, the FT232BM chip requires VCP (Virtual COM Port) drivers freely available here.
The site also provides installation instructions for all Operating Systems
The connection can be performed via Terminal Emulator configured as follows:
- baud rate (the same set on the N147x)
- Data bits: 8
- Parity: none
- stop bit: 1
- Flow control: Xon Xoff